Age of Empires 4 (AOE 4) Update 6.1.130 Patch Notes

Age of Empires 4 (AOE 4) update 6.1.130 (Season 4) is now available on PC (Steam). According to the official AOE 4 patch notes, the latest update added multiple additional new levels of AI difficulty beyond the Hardest setting making use of the boosted resource-gathering in those difficulties. Apart from this, Age of Empires 4 (AOE4) patch 6.1.130 also improvements to in-game balance, fixes to known issues, and slight tweaks to trade as our team previews some of our larger goals with that mechanic.

Previously, a major update was released with bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Age of Empires 3 patch 6.1.130 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Age of Empires 4 Patch Notes (Patch 6.1.130) – April 4, 2023

Return of Hardest AI & New Difficulty Selections

Earlier this year, we introduced a new Hardest AI that gathered resources faster and took quicker military action. You let us know that the resource-gathering boost created too much of a step-up in difficulty from Hard to Hardest and indicated that more difficulty options would be preferable. We’re pleased to provide the following updates:

  • We have reverted the resource-gathering boost which we had given to Hardest AI but kept other improvements made in January’s{LINK REMOVED}.
  • We have added not 1, not 2, but 3 new AI Difficulty levels beyond the Hardest setting which have been given incremental resource-gathering boosts. The resource-gathering boosts are set at 1.2x, 1.5x and 2x the normal rate.

Age Insider Rewards

We’ve unlocked several Age Insider rewards for all players starting with this update. This is to thank everyone who’s played and given feedback from before launch until now. You will find theFishing Boat Monument, Insider Portrait, Dual Fish Coat of Arms, and Fishing Net Sigil Framewithin your in-game profile options. Thank you for joining us on our journey thus far!

General Changes & Bugfixes

  • Fishing boats will now always return to the nearest dock.
  • Cancelled building blueprints no longer block future placements.
  • Added additional HUD feedback when building limits have been reached for certain buildings or units, for example the Ottoman’s Military School and Grand Galley.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure units only display weapons that are currently available to them. Upgraded weapons are shown when upgraded, the basic version is hidden after upgrading.
  • Fixed issue where some Cheats not intended for Campaign were usable in campaign missions and potentially breaking them.
  • Fixed some Masteries and Achievements to make sure playing with new AI Difficulties would still allow for completion.
  • Fixed an issue with Training Mastery that would not progress for some players and added Art of War challenges for Ottoman and Malians.

Balance Changes (All Civilizations)

  • Trader income reduced by 10%.
  • Trebuchet Changes
    • Counter-weight Trebuchet
      • Cost reduced from 500 wood 250 gold to 400 wood 150 gold.
      • Health reduced from 210 to 170.
      • Damage reduced from 50 to 40.
        • Bonus damage vs buildings reduced from 450 to 375.
      • Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • Mongol Traction Trebuchet
      • Cost reduced from 400 wood 150 gold to 300 wood 100 gold.
      • Health reduced from 190 to 150.
      • Damage reduced from 50 to 40.
        • Bonus damage vs. buildings reduced from 250 to 200.
      • Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • House of Wisdom Landmark
    • Trade Wing
      • Provides 3/4/5 Traders depending on what Age the wing is selected.
    • Military Wing
      • Provides another Archer in the Feudal Age.
      • Total 2 Spearman and 2 Archers.
    • Culture Wing
      • Preservation of Knowledge cost reduced from 50 wood 125 gold to 25 wood 75 gold.
  • Fixed a bug where Chinese Palisade Walls were not being built 50% faster than other Civilizations.
  • Fishing Ships are no longer selected with Military selection hotkeys.
  • Compound of the Defender Landmark’s discount on Stone for buildings and emplacements reduced from 25% to 20%.
  • Village Fortresses Technology research time increased from 5 to 6 minutes.
  • When using Seek Shelter as the Delhi Sultanate, Villagers will no longer stand idle next to Houses before researching the Reinforced Foundations technology.
  • Network of Citadels Technology cost increased from 75 stone 200 gold to 150 stone 350 gold.
  • Wynguard Footmen now take bonus damage from “vs Heavy” attack types.
  • Civilization Bonus
    • Town Center production rate bonus increased from 10/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%.
  • Royal Knights now correctly deal damage on their next attack after charging.
  • Sofa train time reduced from 30 to 26 seconds.
  • Malian Age Up keybinds now function correctly.
  • Civilization Bonus
    • Silk Road resource bonus trade requirements changed from 3/5/7/9 to 5/10/15/20.
  • Kurultai Landmark bonus damage reduced from 25% to 20%.
  • Civilization Bonus
    • Blacksmith and University production influence bonus reduced from 25/33/40% to 20/30/40%.
  • Sea Gate Castle Landmark
    • Trader move speed bonus reduced from 40% to 30%.
    • Trader armor bonus reduced from 10 to 8.
  • The name of the Ottoman Knight has been changed to Lancer.

Download free Age of Empires 4 update 6.1.130 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.