Age of Empires 2 (AOE2) Update 62085 Patch Notes – June 1, 2022

Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition (AOE2) update 62085 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official AOE 2 patch notes, the latest update added a new Villager Vacation Event to the game.Apart from this, Age of Empires 2 (AOE 2) patch 62085 also includes a long list of fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with new Maps, Spectator chat is now activated, and lots ofbug fixes.Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game.

Today’s AOE2 patch 62085 will fix a few of these issues.

What is new in AOE2 June 1, 2022 Update?

The Villager Vacation Event

Age of Empires II: DE is celebrating Spring and the villagers decided they need a vacation! So pack a bag and book your ticket – the villagers are ready to go.

New Rewards!

TODAY through June 14th, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!


Stability & Performance

  • Fixed a possible soft-lock when opening and closing the Chat Window in rapid succession.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when sending a message using a Chinese input method.
  • Further fixes to rare crashes.
  • Stability improvement to the default AI player to resolve a rare freeze issue.


  • The Change Color Mood trigger effect is now gradually adjusting the lighting as expected.


  • Added missing voice lines for Dravidians male villagers when ordered to collect from berry bushes or herdables.


  • Readjusted some campaign slide text boxes to avoid overlapping with artworks.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mod downloading/installing indicator doesn’t update when the process is complete.


  • Unstarted enemy foundations no longer reveal additional map tiles.
  • Revealed buildings no longer disappear in the fog of war under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the host was unable to see chat from the other player in several co-op scenarios.



  • The damage dealt by projectiles no longer changes if the unit which launched them dies or transforms into another unit while the projectiles are still in flight.
  • The blast damage from Warwolf Trebuchet hits is now dealt correctly if the target was right clicked to be attacked.


Campaign Missions

  • Prithviraj 2: ‘The Digvijaya’:Replaced the Camel Scout’s dialogue portrait by the right one.
  • Prithviraj 2: ‘The Digvijaya’:Prithviraj unit name is now properly localized in Korean and Simplified/Traditional Chinese.
  • Prithviraj 5: ‘The Legend of Prithviraj’:Poets can now be selected after ungarrisoning them.


  • Suryavarman I 4: ‘Challenging a Thalassocracy’:The Dravidian faction can now be selected and played without ownership of the Dynasties of India expansion, instead of leading to a crash.



  • Fixed an issue where AI villagers are sometimes unnecessarily retasked.
  • AI no longer captures gaia objects unless intended in scenarios.

Capture Age


  • Fixed an issue with farms giving incorrect data.

Download free Age of Empires 2 update 62085 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.