Age of Darkness Final Stand Update 0.7.0 Patch Notes

Age of Darkness Final Stand update 0.7.0 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Age of Darkness patch notes, the latest update added a new building, new visible land corruption, save game error handling and localization for new features.

Previously, a major update added a new Player Unit. Introducing the Pikeman, a brand new Melee unit that can pierce up to three enemies in front of them.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Age of Darkness patch 0.7.0 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Age of Darkness Patch Notes – June 7, 2022


  • New Building: Watchtower
  • New Feature: Visible Land Corruption
  • New Feature: Save Game Error Handling
  • Localisation for New Features

Additional Changes

  • Lightning tutorial panel triggers once the Death Night fog rolls in.
  • Updated Point of Interest art indicative of reward tiers.
  • Updated ‘Attack Speed’ to ‘Attack Time’ on Unit hoverboxes to better reflect the stat.
  • UI added to Training Hall to show it has been boosted by the Trade Bazaar.
  • Updated the Keep description.
  • Triage Tent moved to the ‘Other’ category in the Resources Panel.
  • Autosaves box will automatically be ticked when loading in a save.
  • Added text highlighting to Vizargo and Aelis’ descriptions.
  • UI Improvements on Custom difficulty screen to stop text overlapping in Non-English languages.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when Aelis remains the only one that can be selected with F2.

Fixes & Changes

  • Fixed an issue where Nightmares would not roam during the night.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not animation-cancel Pikemen.
  • Fixed an issue where Queen’s Rage can’t be cast using the hotkey after loading in a save.
  • Fixed an issue where Units would play the wrong animations after loading in a save.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hero doesn’t move after loading in a save after upgrading on Forgiving and Horrific difficulties.
  • Fixed an issue where Units would lose their Faction modifiers after loading in a save.
  • Fixed an issue where Buildings would be built with the wrong banner after loading in a save.
  • Fixed an issue where having all Units in groups except for the Hero, will display the Hero as an enemy when they are selected with F2.
  • Fixed an issue where a Unit could get stuck after being ejected from a tower.
  • Fixed an issue where a Training Hall being constructed would charge gold for a Unit if it’s in a control group with a built Training Hall that is training a Unit.
  • Fixed an issue where moving the camera using the Mini-Map will highlight the Buildings AOE that is behind the Mini-Map.
  • Fixed an issue where a green circle would appear on the Mini-Map after loading in a save file.
  • Fixed an issue where Burster’s VFX trails were observable in unlit areas.
  • Fixed an issue where construction dust VFX would appear around buildings when loading in a save.
  • Fixed an issue where fire VFX would stay on screen after using fire arrows.
  • Fixed an issue where the yellow Rally Point line from Training Hall would appear under the food crops.
  • Fixed an issue where wounded Nightmares would have flickering health bars above them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Building Units icon above the Training Hall stays after all Units have finished training.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll buttons would disappear if 2 or more Buildings of the same type are in a control group.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Point of Interest Captured’ text would stay on screen after capturing a POI.
  • Fixed an issue when cancelling a Hero Ability, the action grid slot would stay highlighted.
  • Fixed an issue where stone and iron resources were showing the incorrect value after selling a quarry.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect voice line will play on completion of Workshop Research advancements.
  • Fixed an issue where using the hotkey to remove villagers from a selected Resource Building would remove it from a random Building.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not display on a third monitor.
  • Fixed an issue where the Heroes statistics panel would not scale correctly on a 1280×960 resolution setting.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Nightmare Fuel’ would overlap with the UI on the Blessings pop up in Polish.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crystal Scout Blessing icon overlaps the name in Polish.
  • Fixed an issue where the Motivated Layman Blessing text overlaps the icon in Polish and German.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Press desired input’ Text is overlapping with the UI in French.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Select Faction’ on the Hero select screen is not localised in non-English languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hardship description would overlap the UI bounds in German.

Known Issues

A fix for these issues will come in a future update.

  • On some occasions the first arrow fired by an archer will appear as a Fire Arrow despite the player not having Fire Arrows unlocked.
  • On some occasions Spitters may not move or respond to player units.
    [*} Vizargo’s Veiled Coil ability can sometimes linger on the ground.
  • Aelis’ Queen’s Rage ability can sometimes linger on the ground and on units.
  • Glowing Nightmares can stack on a Death Night.

Download free Age of Darkness patch 0.7.0 on PC(steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.