7 Days to Die update 20.6 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official 7 Days to Die 20.6 patch notes, the latest update added new features, new changes, fixes, and improvements.
Recently, a big update was released which added quality of life improvements and fixes.
Unfortunately, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s 7DTD patch 20.6 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.
7 Days to Die Patch Notes – August 17, 2022
- JunkDrone NPC menu entry for toggle ally healing.
- News window in main menu
- DBS/F11 screenshots are now showing the world gen seed
- GiveXp command
- Auto ping all found servers once
- Storage and Service sounds to be consistent between vehicles and the drone.
- Friends, History and LAN tabs in server browser now ignore filters and show all entries
- Vultures don’t auto aggro on players in vehicles
- Updated repair and harvest items on gas pumps and vending machines to discourage exploits
- Localization needed for drone ally healing
- ModRoboticDroneModCooldown and Desc needs localization
- Drone sounds don’t affect stealth.
- Vehicles storage access not playing sounds or adding to player stealth.
- Drone receives buff from charismatic nature, nets +1 hp gain per hit at level 3
- Drone will trigger when motion sensor is set to strangers and zombies
- Drone pathing NRE when falling in Prefab Editor
- Drone can’t heal abrasion when using a first aid bandage or kit
- Localization needed for drone ally healing
- ModRoboticDroneModCooldown and Desc needs localization
- Error with the drone with multiple cargo mods on a dedi, after a long play session.
- EAC crashing the game on macOS Monterey
- Key rack in diner_03 triggers a shutter in the poi next to it.
- Seeds cannot spawn in trader loot.
- Imposter blocks for poi abandoned_house_03.
- Workbench crafting tool mod dupe
- Can’t pickup nonsquare frames if inventory is full
- Store_grocery_03: On/off button on a forge becomes unresponsive
- Clients in playtest games receive an NRE after selecting the given LCB
- Harvested farm plots vanish when player inventory full
- Molotovs are always lit once you light the first one in the stack
- Workstations visually disappear when placing motion detecting equipment in the same chunk
- Accessing an aimable electrical component after doing a melee attack will make you repeat the attack
- BuffPerkGunSlingerBonus cvar doesn’t clear during automatic fire if triggered with single shots
- Urban Combat Vol. 7 no longer works due to unlinked IsIndoors cvar
- Iron and steel spears disappear when thrown too far
- Underground crouching and sprinting can result in teleportation to surface
- Harvesting animals with full inventory results in lost items
- Damage mitigation buffs only give a HP refund to players, not actual damage mitigation
- Double XP killing a zombie while it is on fire using torch or any explosives.
- Using auger or chainsaw right before they’re done repairing breaks item/hand placement and hand animation
- Vehicles collide with Sticky Projectiles
- Can not save prefabs on MS Store build Saved prefabs now always go to the LocalPrefabs folder in the UDF
- Can not create new worlds on MS Store build New worlds now always go to the GeneratedWorlds folder in the UDF
- “Show light performance” setting in the editor carries over to normal game
- Mod code being initialized twice if both legacy and new mod location exist and code mod being in the latter
- Saving during imposter creation kills POIs
- Creative menu stack size number decreases by right clicking single quantities of a grabbed stack into inventory
- Not trying to load mods twice if UserDataFolder is set to the game folder
- Players with nonlatin characters in their Windows user profile are unable to start game through the game launcher
- Typo on special infected group GS1 and GS50 zombieWightRadiated probability
- As client on a dedi, buried supplies are always in the South West Quadrant of the circle.
- Buried supplies/treasure chests can spawn below bedrock.
- Breaking weapon sound is not happening anymore.
- “NO TRADER” appears on starter quest if no forest biomes exist or no trader in nearby forest.
- ZombieSoldier backpack collision issue
- Fixed industrial light 2 lens flare being blocked at moderately low angles
- Fixed crawler and spider ragdolls shift back when blending out.
- Fixed street lamp LOD group thresholds being too low.
- Going from vehicle mod slot to clothing mod slot causes NRE
- Switching from drone’s mod window to another mod window will transform the drone to the other item
- On/off button on a forge becomes unresponsive
- Knife harvest can easily hurt other players if they are standing near you
- Accepting invites / joining through friends list is not blocked while game is still initializing
- XBL invite creates new launcher and game instance if already running
- Unable to join servers with some player names
- Non-XBL players were not shown being blocked when communication was globally blocked by XBL privacy settings
- News screen scroll makes a sound even if you are on the first or last page
- Voice chat not always properly disabled